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Shepard’s Pie


When you have a conversation about Hawaiian Music you have to mention Na Leo Pilimehana. One-third of the supergroup is Lehua Kalima whom we were lucky enough to get in the kitchen this week. One of my favorite songs from her is Flying with Angels that has become one of Hawaii’s most popular songs. I first met Lehua after they won the famous high school talent competition Brown Bags to Stardom. I was still in high school but was able to attend one of their radio interviews as I just started my radio career. I had the opportunity to do a few Motherʻs Day shows with them and was honored to host some of their concerts. Today Lehua makes a KS tradition, Shepards Pie.


Step 1: Brown Hamburger in a large pot – when brown drain oil and add in sliced mushrooms and drained corn, salt, and pepper

Step 2:  while browning hamburger – boil water, butter, and salt to make Mashed potatoes following package directions – when it comes to a boil  - take off stove, add milk and mashed potatoes and mix – better to have creamier consistency so can add extra milk and/or butter so it's creamier.

Step 3: While that is happening – you can also start your brown gravy – in a small saucepan on the stove mix the two packets of brown gravy with 2 cups water and whisk often.  Take off of stove when it is thick.

Step 4: After the hamburger is browned and mushrooms are softened – add in about ¾ of the brown gravy you made.  Mix it all together then place that whole mixture in a ½ size aluminum pan.  Spread evenly.  Then top with mashed potatoes evenly to cover.  After that spread the shredded cheddar cheese on top.  Place in a 375-degree oven for about 5-8 minutes or until the cheese is melted.

Step 5:  Take out of the oven and serve – add extra brown gravy you reserved on top of each portion if desired.


SourceLehua Kalima
Prep time1 minute
Cooking time15 minutes
Total time16 minutes


3 lb
ground beef (Brown and Drain)
2 cn
Corn (Drained)
Brown Gravy Mix (Follow directions on package)
Mushrooms (Canned and Sliced)
2 t
2 t
Mashed Potatoes (Follow directions on box)
2 c
Cheddar Cheese (Shredded (16 ounce Kraft Package))


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